Exam results Q&A

Exam results 2020 - framework and process

As a result of school closure's, this year’s summer exam series, including A levels, GCSEs and other qualifications, and all primary assessments, have been cancelled.

Details of the Government's approach can be found here  or via the individual links listed below:

Questions and answers

1.Did exams need to be cancelled?

2.What will happen to those who have already done some non-exam assessment?

3.How will you address the fact that students from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to have their grades under-predicted?

4.Will all students get their predicted grade?

5.Will schools be using mock exam results as a barometer for results – and is this fair on students as they did not know at the time these would be used as their final mark?

6.Will the past performance of the school be taken into account when devising the calculated grade?

7.Is this an entirely new system?

8.How will schools/colleges cope with the burden of putting on an atypical exam season?

9.Will universities/colleges/sixth forms accept these calculated grades?

10.What if I am unhappy with my grade?

11.Will there be an opportunity to take exams this year if a student is unhappy with their grade?

12.What about private candidates or home educated students?

13.Can private centres run GCSEs/A levels if they chose to do so?

14.Does this mean every exam in every module in every subject being cancelled, or will a limited number go ahead at GCSE and/or A level?

15.What about vocational and technical qualifications?

16.Will parents be required to educate their children while they are off school?

17.What if have started my coursework but it is not finished?

18.What will young people with university offers do?

19.Do universities need to start making unconditional offers / should I accept an unconditional offer now that exams are cancelled?

20.If I already have an unconditional offer, does that remain?

21.If I take the exam option, will I still be able to go to university this year?

22.Are iGCSEs and the International Baccalaureate also cancelled?

23.How will colleges, sixth-forms, universities cope with the fact that these students will have missed out on some of their education?

24.Might the exams be reinstated if the coronavirus (COVID-19) is not as bad as expected?